This is bad.
OK, lots to catch up on.
June was quite an amazing part of my summer. Why? Well, it was my 20th birthday, which falls ON THE SAME DAY as when I had to leave London for GLASTONBURY FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would tell the whole drama that happened that weekend, but I'd rather keep it short for now. Basically, I suffered a lot pre-, during, and post-glasto. But the atmosphere, the music, the crowd, the experience made me forgot it all and good memories last.

Another special thing that happened in June was the start of my summer internship with Michael Van der Ham! I did my interview in March, i think (one year ago?!). This was my first London internship, which I was so excited about! Because it also meant... LONDON FASHION WEEK! (more on that later). First day was nerve-wrecking! But I learnt about how the studio and the people worked, and tried to give my best :) I met some interesting people too, including the other interns (from Germany - who stayed there for 7 months!, from Ireland, and a CSM student). It was long hours and hard work (because I always had to go back to Epsom every Thursday to work at the sushi restaurant every weekend); so it wasn't an "play all day long" summer; exhausting. But I learnt so much from it, until finally...

I guess I'll leave it as that for the Summer news. More on the Year 2 projects later!